ASCA Conference Exhibitor/Sponsor Registration (2024)
Friday April 26 • Saturday April 27 (Delta Marriott Edmonton South)

NOTE: It is recommended that you complete your registration within 30 minutes or your order will timeout.

Benefits of Sponsorship

The event provides a networking experience, offering sponsors and vendors opportunities for brand exposure and customer leads. Share information on products, services, and resources relevant to schools, communities and fundraising associations in Alberta.

All participating Vendors and Sponsors receive:

  • Company logo on the ASCA website for up to 12 months. (Rotating homepage, and Sponsor page)
  • Sponsor Directory Listing – digital publication with company logo, information/description, website, and contact information. Distributed to all attendees, posted, and shared broadly.

Sponsorship Packages and Details

Step 1: Company Information

Company Information

To be included in the Sponsor Directory Listing (max. 250 words)

Contact Information

Vendor Logo

Vendor logos are required in a JPEG file format.

If you do not upload a logo at this time, please email the logo (JPEG format) to as soon as possible.
Your browser doesn't have Flash, Silverlight or HTML5 support.
Select File (Max 10 megabytes)

Event Information

The provincial conference hosts up to 300 delegates over two days, attending from across Alberta. Attendees include parents, teachers, community members, students, trustees, principals, superintendents, government, and education organizations personnel.

Event Brochure

Conference Schedule